Dr. Muddasir Hanif graduated from the Jilin (SKLSSM, 985) and Zhejiang Universities (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, 985) with research publications in Polymer Chemistry and Physics related to OLEDs and Solar Cell Materials. His scientific interests include OLEDs and Solar Cells, Spectroscopy, Polymers, Biochemistry, Catalysis, Electrochemistry, Sensors, and Supercapacitors. He has taught and conducted research at Yonsei University (S. Korea), Jiangxi Normal University, and the South China University of Technology. He has published 9 SCI articles as the first author and 12 SCI articles as the corresponding author. He co-authored (3/3) one patent on solar cells. Several International Journals of Materials Science honored him with Reviewer Certificates. He got an Elsevier Certificate for the Sustainable Development Goals in October 2022.


跨越山海 点亮青春——2024国际青年交流大会暨中美青

国之交在于民相亲,民相亲要从青年做起。 —...
